Crazy for cool plants
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your typical type of work?
High quality, fine garden maintenance. Residential renovations or new installations for clients who want a quality and custom garden.
Can I view your portfolio?
You can view our online portfolio at any time. At the time of the consultation we bring a portfolio of before and after photos of projects for you to view. Great tool to not only see the projects we have created but viewing different uses of materials used in your landscape.
Are you a licensed and insured contractor?
Yes, most definitely.We can provide full proof of Insurance as needed.
How long is a typical consultation?
Dependent upon the amount of time needed for answering questions, brainstorming and the size of the site the consultation lasts for 1 to 2 hours.
Do you have a list of references I could contact or gardens to view?
Yes we do. We would like to meet at the consultation first so that we may refer you to the proper projects. And also, it is important that you go through the screening process to assure that you would like to work with us prior to us giving out clients names and addresses. Please look at our photo gallery on site as the first step.
How are you different from a Landscape Architecture firm?
I am not landscape architect. I am a landscape designer. We give a personal service with our own Gardeners doing the installation, This assures that the communication process is clear and the project is developed from start to finish. Our design rates are less than what a landscape architect would charge. We love to do the installations.
How do you schedule jobs?
Jobs are scheduled in the order of signed contracts.
How long after I accept the contract until work begins?
We try to get to your project scheduled as soon as we can. It depends upon what your project entails. We can discuss further as project is defined.
What is the typical crew size?
We have a crew of 2 to 4 on site at one time. It depends upon the size of the project.
How do I make a change to the project after the work has begun?
We are more than happy to make changes to your project. We will discuss time and cost with you and then an addendum will be written describing the change order.
When is the deposit due?
The deposit is due at the time of signing the final landscape proposal. The amount of the deposit will be specified in your landscape proposal.
When is final payment due?
It is due when you receive the final billing invoice request.
Can I pay with credit card?
We do accept credit cards, Mastercard and Visa. We prefer dealing in check or cash due to the credit card charges that we incur.
Can I tip the crew?
This is strictly up to you. When clients do give the crew "thank you" gifts they really do appreciate it.
ADD: (from install page) ... what can i expect with a new install? or new install specific questions?
Once you have your final design completed we will get your installation date on the calendar. The site will need to be prepped —which means everything needs to be removed that you don’t want in your new garden. The soil will need amending, too. Any hardscaping you want done needs to come in first. Then comes the planting.
Once you have your site planted, watering will be your number one focus. New plants need lots of water to get established. That is why, in our area, fall is the best time to plant. The soil is still warm for good root growth but the rain will inevitably set in with regularity and help you with the watering. That being said, unless the ground is frozen, we can plant!
Maintenance of newly planted gardens is key, too. There is no such thing as a maintenance free garden. Especially new ones. We have just turned up the soil and added nutrition. EVERYTHING is going to grow! Weeds compete for water and soil nutrition — keeping them away from new plantings will ensure quicker growth and filling in of the plants you want.